1–6 of 6 results for Ahmed Sallam
Visual Outcomes and Complications of Combined vs Sequential Cataract Surgery and Pars Plana Vitrectomy: Multicenter Database Study
Ahmed Sallam, MD PhD FRCOphth
Annual Meeting Talks
Visual Outcomes and Postoperative Complications of Pars Plana Vitrectomy for Dropped Nuclear Fragments: A Multicenter Database Study
Pigmented Macular Lesions?
On Demand Cases, Courses, and Papers
Does the Diabetic Status Influence the Rate of Cataract Surgery Following Pars Plana Vitrectomy Surgery?
Part 2: You're on Your Own Bud: A Guide for Common Problems That May Be Encountered in First Years of Retina Surgery Practice
Ahmed M Sallam, MS, FRCSOphth
Part 1: You're on Your Own Bud: A Guide for Common Problems That May Be Encountered in First Years of Retina Surgery Practice