1–10 of 47 results for Internal Limiting Membrane
Failure of Macular Hole Surgery
Abel Ramírez-Estudillo, MD
Mauricio Bayram-Suverza, MD
Retina Image Bank: Images of the Week
Retinal Massager: New Multifunctional Tool for Vitrectomy
Manish Nagpal, MD, FRCS (UK) ,FASRS
Annual Meeting Talks
Macular Hole Surgery Results With Long-Acting Gas Tamponade and Internal Limiting Membrane Removal
John T. Thompson, MD
Localization of the Internal Limiting Membrane Flap After Macular Hole Surgery.
Homayoun Tabandeh, MD, FASRS
Bilaminar Hourglass Graft of Anterior Capsule and Internal Limiting Membrane: Novel Surgical Technique for the Treatment of Macular Hole Secondary to High Myopia
On Demand Cases, Courses, and Papers
Combined Epiretinal Membrane and Internal Limiting Membrane Flaps for Macular Holes Associated With Epiretinal Membranes
Elizabeth D Marlow, MD
Is It Necessary to Peel Internal Limiting Membrane in Diabetic Vitrectomy
Stanley Chang, MD
Updates from the Field
Fovea-Sparing Versus Standard Internal Limiting Membrane Peeling for Myopic Traction Maculopathy
Taku Wakabayashi, MD
Superior Wide-Base Internal Limiting Membrane Flap Transposition for Macular Holes
Development of a Novel Extensive Brilliant Blue G-Assisted ILM Peeling Method for Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy Using 3D Visualization System
Martin Charles, MD