1–5 of 5 results for Victor M Villegas
Repair of Exposed Scleral Buckle With Cadaveric Pericardial Patch Graft
Victor M Villegas, MD
On Demand Cases, Courses, and Papers
Coats' Disease - Stage 3A
Retina Image Bank: Images of the Week
Surgical Case Conference
Carl C. Awh, MD, FASRS
Carl D. Regillo, MD
Mohamed AlBahiti, MBBS, FRCSC
Mohsin H. Ali, MD
Nishikant J Borse, MS, FMRF, FASRS
Jonathan S Chang, MD
Albert Li, MD, FASRS
Zofia Anna Nawrocka (vel Michalewska), MD, PhD
Manish Nagpal, MD, FRCS (UK) ,FASRS
Berna Ozkan, MD
Uriel Rubin, MD
Jayanth Sridhar, MD
Christina Y Weng, MD, MBA, FASRS
Annual Meeting Talks
Optical Coherence Tomography of Foveal Dragging Associated With Retinopathy of Prematurity
Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy for Optic Disc Melanocytoma With Presumed Malignant Transformation.
Timothy G. Murray, MD, MBA, FASRS
Innovative Retina Surgical Video Series