1–8 of 8 results for surgical dyes and coloring agent
A New Dye Based on Anthocyanins from Acai Fruit
Mauricio Maia, MD, PhD
Updates from the Field
Management of Myopic Foveoschisis With Vitrectomy With ILM Peeling
Hector H Hernandez-Torres, MD
Francisco J. Rodriguez, MD
Innovative Retina Surgical Video Series
Lutein: A New Dye for Chromovitrectomy
Rodrigo Milan Navarro, MD
Epiretinal Membrane Peel Using Intraoperative OCT (iOCT)
Shlomit Schaal, MD, PhD
Wei Wang, M.D., Ph.D.
Shivani Reddy, MD
Denis Jusufbegovic, MD
Double Staining for Peeling the ERM and ILM
Matias Iglicki, MD
Marcelo Zas, MD PhD
Management of a Macular Hole Secondary to a Retinal Macroaneurysm
John W. Kitchens, MD
Macular Surgery: Techniques, Results and Complications
Arturo A. Alezzandrini, MD, PhD
Macular Hole Repair With ICG Stain
Courtney Crawford, MD, FACS